Jia and Luke
Our story
Fill in the blanks - several key details are missing from our story below. If you have the answers, then please direct message us. The first to succeed with all 4 answers will get to go first in the cake line at the wedding.
In November 2021, Jia and Luke’s common friend decided to host a little get-together at the U.S. Embassy compound in Nairobi Kenya. It was this diplomatic act that brought Jia and Luke together. They both found each other “easy to talk to” and “pretty nice”.
Later - after matching on Hinge and realizing that each other was at least passingly interested in each other - they went on a date where they spent 45 minutes talking about the sci-fi book Dune (now a major motion picture) after which Jia feebly protested that she was not a nerd.
In the progression of their relationship, Jia and Luke engaged in various partnership opportunities in business, competitive board gaming, and traveling.
They started a company exporting from Kenya. This company is legally owned solely by Jia - Luke does not have any claim to it except Jia’s promise that she will share the (so far nonexistent) profits with him. In competitive board gaming, Jia maintains a higher win rate in the Settlers of Catan. However Luke has held an unbeaten record in Chinese Chess since Jia taught him how to play in Yunan.
They also share a common passion for traveling to places where they can indulge in the intellectual stimulation of learning about different cultures and industries. On one memorable trip, they took a matatu to Magadi Kenya, which they thought to be a tourist destination, but turned out to be a soda ash factory. On their first international trip together, they saw many cultural and historical sites in . In Lahore, Jia indulged Luke by sitting for 3 hours as he bought and learned to play a - a Pakistani musical instrument. In Beijing, Luke indulged Jia by waiting 1.5 hour in line to acquire a charmed bracelet at a Tibetan Buddhist temple.
Luke proposed on one crisp and bright winter day in Frisco, Colorado, on December 31st, 2023. The headline of the local Summit Daily read “UNCOVERING THE HISTORY OF COLORADO GHOST SKI AREAS”.
Jia was coming back from getting coffee when Luke pulled out the ring, in a dimly lit hotel, where they had an unobstructed view of a walk-in closet. Later, when asked why he didn’t wait to propose on the mountain, Luke answered he was worried they would lose the ring in the snow.
Wait, don’t you guys live on different continents? What is your plan?
After the Des Moines wedding in November, we will be long distance for 6 months as Jia finishes her MS/MBA at Columbia in New York, and Luke continues working at Kapu in Nairobi. After Jia’s graduation in May 2025, we will see where we end up landing together, be it in Africa, America, China, or anywhere else on Earth.